Hypermeteo: the Climate Sentinel

Spatialised meteorological data and services on high-resolution digital grids.

Climate Change Technology and Culture

One digital meteorology, many opportunities for use.

High-resolution climatic analysis (1 sq km) and dataset compatibility represent a new meteorological approach that offers organisations operational, management, and analytical support.

Web service API

Hypermeteo processes and provides highly detailed and representative weather data, compatible with any decision support system or GIS platform

Push notifications

A customisable notification system for apps, platforms, or services that rely on early warning of expected weather events

Early Warning

A service of forecast alerts on the occurrence of severe weather events over the area or points of interest for the following hours or days

Weather and climate risk indicators

A tool for estimating the frequency of occurrence of a weather event in areas of interest

Data Analytics

Data analytics services to integrate weather and climate datasets with other types of datasets

Climate Sentinel®

Projections able to define future climate scenarios for industries that need to adopt new climate change adaptation policies


A system designed to collect and intelligently exploit weather and climate data for more efficient and sustainable management of agricultural practices

Manage your future, today.

Weather data processed with innovative technologies and spatialised on high-resolution grids to provide an accurate and representative historical, near-real-time, and predictive weather and climate outlook.

historical meteo, near real-time e previsionale

Areas of application

Risk Assesment
& Insurance Analytics

Supporting index-based policies and risk assessment, for the management of overlapping insurance policies and pricing


Integration of weather data into Decision Support Systems (DSS) to optimise agricultural practices


Smart planning of road routes and logistics activities according to weather conditions

Smart City
& Predictive Analytics

Supporting the management and mitigation of severe weather events in cities of the future

Financial Analytics
& Geopolitics

Defining future financial and geopolitical scenarios impacted by global warming and climate change

Energy Supply, Trading
& Operations

Management and optimisation of operations and supplies for the energy market

Hypermeteo’s customers

Meteorology open to communities and the future

Hypermeteo introduces a model of meteorology based on the sharing of knowledge, to assist in promoting a climate culture as a universal value and as a tool intended for the public, to heighten society’s awareness of the issue of severe global heating.

The E3CI climate index is a suite of indicators, updated monthly, that provides concise and intuitive information on the frequency and severity of weather-induced hazards over Europe.

Quaderni di Meteorologia Aperta

A series of periodical publications on meteorology and climatology. An editorial project to contribute to the debate on innovation and to bring citizens closer to understanding the dynamics and implications related to the global heating.

Some of our customers

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